Olly and Lucille are the inspiration for this story and they love living in Carmel. Lucille, age fourteen is a Long Hair Schnauzer and was rescued from a shelter in Colorado. Olly is a Schnoodle and was adopted at nine weeks old. They are the best of pals and love ALL food (except lettuce), and will do just about anything for a treat. They can be seen strolling by the beach or dining at outdoor cafés. Lucille is shy and prefers to be with humans, while Olly is a friend to all. Olly is blind but he doesn’t let it stop him from having fun. They love to cuddle in soft blankets with their humans and hate being left alone.

Norman and Tristan are Westies and they love everyone they meet. Normie loves to entertain beach goers and will even try to borrow their blankets if they are not looking. He also loves kelp and greeting customers at Diggedy Dog. Tristan began his surfing career with a dog rescue project in Southern California. He was a natural from his first ride and is now a five–time world champion. He is also an honorary US Marine and part of Wounded Warrior Battalion West. He was the first therapy dog to be inducted into the corps at the Marine Corp Ball and was given an award for outstanding achievement, credited with saving the lives of a number of wounded warriors. A US Flag was flown in his honor on the Fourth of July by Seal Team 5 in Afghanistan.

Dido was adopted form the SPCA and is a seven year old Calico. She loves Fancy Feast appetizers, running through the house playing with her toys and cuddling next to her humans in bed. She hates baths and prefers to groom herself. She is very regal and lives in a house with four other cats.

Clover is a three-year-old Australian Labradoodle. Her name is Clover because her humans felt so lucky to find her. She loves turkey, cucumbers, morning snuggles and playing fetch at the beach. She hates garbage trucks! She is a trained service dog who is trained in deep pressure therapy to help her humans feel calm. She is the official Pet Concierge at Hofsas House in Carmel.

Cargo is fifteen and flew here from Kansas when he was four months old. When he arrived at the airport he was in the cargo section, so that is how he got his name. He is a Brittany and has the softest fur ever. He loves playing with his toy squirrel and chasing real squirrels in the yard. He HATES baths, delivery trucks and getting into trouble.

Lily, age four is an Australian Border Collie. She was adopted from a shelter in Salinas when she was 7 months old. She is a very good listener and understands 94 human words and phrases. She loves to rock climb and jump waves at the beach. She Hates baths! She also loves to greet customers at Pilgrims way Book Shop.

Brick is eight years old and is a Golden Retriever. He was adopted at seven months old and he loves to play at the beach with all of his friends. He is very calm and is voice trained, so and can be off his leash in any situation and behave. He has a big crush on his human, Katie.

Daisy is five years old and is a West Highland Terrier. She’s quiet and prefers the comfort of her home. Koko is a boxer and is a year old. She loves running on the beach and swimming in the water. They were adopted as puppies and they love carrying the newspaper in and eating chicken and they hate the vacuum.

Hamilton and Blue enjoy living by the beach and exploring their town. Hamilton is 20 months old and is a red Miniature poodle. He’s still in puppy training to learn basic skills but he’s very smart and attentive. He loves giving humans puppy kisses and running circles around Blue. Blue, age 9 is a Maltese/Silky Terrier and weighs six whole pounds. He was adopted through Peace of Mind Dog Rescue. They are the best of pals and love doing everything together.

Kaya and Addie are English Yellow Labs. Kaya is 6 and Addie is 11. They love Steak, donuts, carrots and sushi. They hate avocados and showering. They love car rides, playing tetherball and running on golf courses. Their favorite humans are Jonathon and Michael. They get upset when they are apart. Kaya loves Bella the squirrel who lives in their yard. Their best friends are Waffle and Kona.

Penny was adopted at 12 weeks from the Humane Society. She weighed less than two pounds and you could see her ribs. She was very frightened her first few weeks in her new home. She loves chicken and she jumps up when she hears the oven pre-heating. Her best friends are Scrappy, Domino and Artie. When she wants attention, she hides the tv remote and brings it back later. She loves napping in the sun, digging holes and loves playing Monkey in middle. She’s recently learned how to open doors herself.

Ruby and Ryder are both 7 years old and are Huskies. Their favorite Cuisine is Italian Food and They LOVE eating snow. Hate- all vegetables, loud noises, the vacuum. They tried to separate them on the way from a shelter in Kansas, when they were rescued, and Ruby broke out of her cage and laid on top of Ryders cage until they arrived. They were told they are very attached and must be adopted together. They love to explore outside, naps, making new friends and howling at firetruck sirens. RYDER HAS A BLUE EYE AND a BROWN EYE. Ruby is short for Rhubarb.

Pippin is a year old and was named after a certain type of apple. She loves all food, and lots of it especially from humans at the beach. She’s a very sensitive soul, and frightens easily. She prefers to sit and chat on the floor or lie in her crate. She loves the beach and riding in the car. She’s an avid toy collector and loves tearing them into shreds.

At ten weeks old Levi was flown to Seattle to be trained as a service dog for a very special human. He was a working service dog for five years and is now retired and living his best life in the mountains of Northern California. He loves swimming and chasing skunks! He is friendly to everyone he meets and he loves getting hugs. He will do anything for a piece of cheese. His best pal friend is a guide dog named Mia.

Peanut is a Maltipoo and Butters is a Havenese Mix and they are both 8 years old. Peanut was adopted at six weeks old and Butters was rescued at the age of two. They have visited over fifty beaches with their human and they love to chase wild turkeys and deer. “Steak and Fish Night” is their favorite night of the week. Butters is timid and hilarious and she loves to play and have fun. Peanut is very smart and can get testy when big dogs get in his way. Their human, Tim took all the beautiful photographs in this book.

Bunny, age 7, is white and fluffy and she lived at Quinnipiac University in a fraternity house for 4 years until she moved to Carmel. Benny, age 5, was rescued from a fur factory by Rescue Rabbits two years ago. When they met it was love at first site. They love to snack on bananas and triscuits and they share their own room together. They love to nap under their human’s easel as she paints in her studio, so sometimes they have a bit of paint on their fur.

Sharing our love of pets, reading and Carmel-by-the-Sea with you.
Written by local author
Kirsten Tarman